ONLINE conversation @1p 12/06/2024 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Twitter Facebook Google+ For high beginner to intermediate level speakers Related upcoming events ONLINE conversation at 5p 12/04/2024 5:00 pm - 12/04/2024 6:00 pm For advanced to fluent speakers of French Free for AFT members Sign up here IN PERSON conversation at noon 12/10/2024 12:00 pm - 12/10/2024 1:00 pm In person conversation for advanced to fluent speakers of French Free for members of the AFT No need to sign up ONLINE SPANISH conversation @5p 12/10/2024 5:00 pm - 12/10/2024 6:00 pm Free for members of the AFT Online Spanish conversation at the high beginner to high intermediate levels Sign uo here